Environment and Energy

Environment and Energy

Coronavirus Message from The Atlas Society

At a time when a highly infectious biological virus, the coronavirus, is spreading – as is an equally infectious psychological virus, panic – I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out with a message on what we at The Atlas Society are doing to respond to both.

Mar 22, 2020
Jennifer A. Grossman
4 Mins
Climate Change: A Moral Debate

There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm

Apr 23, 2019
John Vincent
6 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Robert Bradley

I am a classical-liberal intellectual, or at least a student of classical liberalism.I specialize in energy history and public policy. That

Jun 7, 2016
3 Mins
The incredible story of 'depletable' minerals

Energy is central to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand also chronicled how the 1970s energy crisis was at root philosophical: altruism-collectivism

Jun 6, 2016
2 Mins
Earth Day’s Subtle Pollution

On the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, my high school class traveled to the Mall in D.C. to mark the occasion. Me? I skipped the trip

Apr 21, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Dishonest Attacks on Genetically Modified Organisms

For those who take their health seriously, it’s always a challenge to determine which claims are true and which are fiction. This task is

Apr 16, 2016
Kevin Schooler
4 Mins
Eggs, Global Warming, and Science

The arguments for man-made global warming remind me of the argument that eating eggs causes heart disease. ..

May 11, 2015
3 Mins
Secular Sharia Law in Indiana

Americans cannot tell the difference between ethics and politics. The Indiana religious freedom law—now being amended, it appears—has expos

Apr 1, 2015
3 Mins
Samuel Insull: Human Dynamo

Atlas Summit 2014 -- He was, arguably, the most inspirational success story of the business era immediately preceding the New Deal. He was

Dec 15, 2014
2 Mins
Climate Kerfuffle on Cosmos

I’m a big fan of the Cosmos reboot series, just as I was of the Carl Sagan original. But the host Neil deGrasse Tyson recently stumbled very

May 23, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Pope Francis: Beware of Earth Day Thinking

Pope Francis’s Easter message included a prayer to “Help us to overcome the scourge of hunger, aggravated by conflicts and by the immense

Apr 22, 2014
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Drilling Down into the Fracking Debate

September 20, 2013 -- In this State of the Culture update, William R Thomas and Edward Hudgins examine the opposition arrayed against....

Sep 30, 2013
Edward Hudgins
Global Warming and Reckless Precaution

The soon-to-be released Fifth United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report will admit that computer predictions for

Sep 20, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Vanquishing Earth Hour Darkness

have energy for every modern convenience, and to encourage us rededicate ourselves to unleashing even more of it....

Mar 22, 2013
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Solar Power versus Trees

I am a critic of subsidies for green technologies. I don't think it is at all certain how efficient technologies like solar and wind power

Jan 22, 2013
3 Mins
Obama's Power Move: Scapegoating Speculators

On April 17, President Barrack Obama addressed Americans about rising prices of gasoline, now above $5.00 a gallon in parts of the country..

Apr 25, 2012
Walter Donway
10 Mins
Don't Tilt at These Windmills

This weekend, the environment—Hurricane Irene, to be specific—took away my electric power. Beginning Saturday night, I had, in my apartment

Aug 30, 2011
2 Mins
Al Gore's War on Children

I have long argued that the morally twisted beliefs of many environmentalists imply that humans are pollution and that the Earth would be...

Jun 22, 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Elementary Lessons in Property Rights

Americans recently learned that this is more than a mere cliché; it’s a profound philosophical principle that is under fire from the very in

Mar 30, 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Sovietizing America: How Sustainable Development Crushes the Individual

April/May 2005 -- An unrecognized threat to the liberty and prosperity of each American has spread throughout the country, taking root in

Mar 29, 2011
Michael Shaw and Edward Hudgins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.