

Donor Spotlight: Tom and Dianne Blackburn

It seemed a logical question. They were both in their 60s, and they just met. But she had never been on a cruise.

Aug 3, 2020
4 Mins
Member Spotlight: Kyle Ver Steeg, M.D.

My first wife. I wasn't much of a reader then, but she recommended Atlas Shrugged. She never recommended a book before, but she thought I'd like it. I thought, well that's curious. So I went ahead and started reading it. And the more I read it, the more my attitude changed.

Jun 12, 2020
Marilyn Moore
7 Mins

During the decade of Cultural Revolution, people experienced horrific events that made their blood boil and eyes tear. People’s suffering, like DR’s father in the hands of the political hooligans, was heartbreaking.

Jun 4, 2020
6 Mins
Salvation Through Annihilation

Physically, a human being is a rather weak, pathetic creature. We do not possess the strength of the bear, the cunning claws of the tiger, nor the wings of the steely-eyed hawk. All we truly possess that is of any use is an accident called self-awareness.

Apr 3, 2020
Ellsworth Toohey, Jr.
6 Mins
Justice, Inc.

Federal funding for organizations like Helping Hands for Africa thus represents an unalloyed good, even though the returns are measured in lives saved, rather than dollars made.

Mar 18, 2020
J.P. Medved
10 Mins
Response by Kevin Hill

On the political side, I have always maintained that we must look both at what Nietzsche’s political

Mar 8, 2020
Kevin Schooler
The Legacy of Totalitarianism: An Interview with Alfred Kentigern Siewers

Editor’s Note: Alfred Kentigern Siewers is associate professor of English at Bucknell University and 2018–2019 William E. Simon visiting

Feb 17, 2020
Marilyn Moore
9 Mins
Make America Grateful Again: An Antidote to Envy and Entitlement

Thank you so very much for inviting me. I know the relationship between Objectivists and Libertarians hasn’t always been smooth. Ayn Rand famously called libertarians “the hippies of the right.”

Jan 17, 2020
Jennifer A. Grossman
8 Mins
RIP, David Nicholas Mayer, 1955-2019

We note with great sorrow the loss of David Mayer, who died November 23, 2019 at 63, of a lengthy illness.

Dec 30, 2019
David Kelley Ph.D
3 Mins
Girl Friends

I think that one thing that Paterson’s writings give us is the opportunity to see what happens when power is concentrated by political mean

Oct 25, 2019
Marilyn Moore
10 Mins
Objectivism: A Soldier’s Philosophy

As a soldier in the U.S. Army, it is clear to me that the guiding philosophy for a soldier should mirror that of Objectivism outlined by Ayn

Jun 18, 2019
Maj. Jamie Schwandt
5 Mins
Climate Change: A Moral Debate

There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm

Apr 23, 2019
John Vincent
6 Mins
Ayn Rand and Altruism, Part 3

In the foreword to The Moral Basis of Individualism—a book that Ayn Rand began writing for Bobbs-Merrill in 1943 but never finished—we find

Dec 14, 2018
George H. Smith
6 Mins
Visible and Invisible Hands

Douglas Den Uyl is vice president of educational programs for Liberty Fund. Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s

Apr 3, 2018
Douglas Rasmussen
8 Mins
The Fountainhead: Ayn Rand’s Ode to Entrepreneurship

“There are some rules I’m perfectly willing to obey,” explains Howard Roark, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s 1943 best seller, The Fountainhe

Apr 5, 2017
Eric Bryant
5 Mins
Understanding and Appreciating Art

Michelle Marder Kamhi’s new book Who Says That’s Art? presents a “commonsense view” of the visual arts that owes much to Ayn Rand’s

Nov 9, 2015
Michelle Marder Kamhi
2 Mins
Objectivism Lost in Translation

Ayn Rand had strong views on the meaning of certain words: “selfishness,” “altruism,” “intrinsic,” and so on. So when Objectivists read

Oct 19, 2015
2 Mind
Intermediate course in Objectivist Ethics

This 5-part course in the Objectivist ethics was filmed this summer, in Nashua, New Hampshire, as part of our annual Atlas Summit....

Sep 15, 2015
2 Mins

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.