Peter Voss

Peter Voss


Peter Voss

Peter Voss is a Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence who in 2001 coined the term ‘AGI’  (Artificial General Intelligence) with fellow AI luminaries. 

Peter is an Engineer, Scientist, and Inventor as well as a Serial AI Entrepreneur and Leader. 

Started in electronics engineering, then fell in love with software. 

Peter achieved his first major success by developing a comprehensive ERP  package and taking that company from Zero to 400-person IPO in Seven years. 

Fueled by the fragile nature of software, Peter embarked on a journey 20 years  ago to study what intelligence is, how it develops in humans, and the current  state of AI while successfully commercializing an earlier version (SmartAction). 

This research, development & commercialization culminated in the creation of our proto-AGI natural language intelligence engine called 'Aigo' (say I-go) that can  think, learn, and reason -- and adapt to, and grow with the user. 

Aigo engine has already replaced thousands of call center agents in the field as a  proof point and is now gearing up to reach human-level intelligence developed on  human brain-like Cognitive Architecture. 

Peter Voss co-authored the white paper titled “Concepts Is All You Need: A More  Direct Path to AGI” that details this groundbreaking approach to achieving  human-level AI.  

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