

Are Lockdowns an Election-Year Ransom Note?

"We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November.” Those are the words of a west coast health director. No in-person schooling until after the election? Hmmm.Please think about what was said. It reads as kind of a ransom note. Vote for science-reverent candidate Joe Biden, or else….

Sep 21, 2020
John Tamny
In Memory of Frank Bond

We are deeply sad to learn that Frank Bond died July 26, age 86, at his home. Frank was a long-time, generous supporter of The Atlas Society.

Aug 12, 2020
David Kelley Ph.D
7 mins
Vagrants in Our Driveway: A Teachable Moment

“I’m calling the police,” my mother said from her upstairs office. When I ran upstairs to find out what she was talking about, she was on the line with 911, telling them about the partially clothed adult male stumbling around the drive to the terrace where my parents and immediate neighbors live. I took a video here.

May 18, 2020
Jennifer A. Grossman
6 Mins
“Ayn Rand Was ‘Born’ Here: Rand’s Chicago Roots”

Thank you so much, Stuart and Elise, and yes, a special, special thank you to Elise. I empathize with what it’s like to be a part of an

Dec 17, 2019
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
“Nathaniel Branden’s Oedipus Complex” by Susan Love Brown

Brown is concerned with Branden’s memoir, Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand. “I am,” she submits, “primarily interested in the narrative

Apr 14, 2017
Allen Mendenhall
4 Mins
Eight Facts About Ayn Rand’s Father

The term “father figure” expresses the influence and example that a pater familias has on most of us. Ayn Rand’s father was born Zelman...

Jun 15, 2016
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
Are Pre-School Grad Celebrations Going Too Far?

When I was a kid, celebrations of birthdays and other personal milestones were modest. Family, a few friends, a few gifts, fun. But now I

Jun 13, 2016
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Wear a School Uniform?

My 5-year-old daughters were very excited. My wife had taken them to the craft store to buy T-shirts with sketches on them that they could c

May 25, 2016
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
"Why I Named My Baby Dagny."


May 16, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Eight Facts About Ayn Rand’s Mother

For better or worse—and usually for the better—mothers are the individuals who have the greatest influence over our early lives. Anna Rosenb

May 6, 2016
2 Mins
Take Your Daughters to Work Day

April 28 was “Take your daughters to work day,” and I did! (I hope all you parents took your sons along as well!) My five-year-old fraternal

Apr 29, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Can Individualism Cure Loneliness?

The Los Angeles Times recently highlighted a study published in Heart, a British Medical Journal publication, that found loneliness can...

Apr 21, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Self-Esteem is not Comparative

Headlines this week have blared “How Parents Create Narcissist Children” and “Do Parents Nurture Narcissists By Pouring On The Praise?” They

Mar 11, 2015
4 Mins
Suicide and Reasons to Live

The death of entertainer Robin Williams has again brought to public discussion the serious matter of suicide.Robin Williams hope for those

Aug 15, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Objectivism is Not Anti-Family

Salon.com hates Ayn Rand and Objectivism. The latest evidence is a gratuitous jab, tarring AWriter Sean McElweeyn Rand a conservative and..

Aug 13, 2014
3 Mins
Happy Holidays and the Synergy of the Season

As we approach the end of the year, I hope all of you are in a holiday mood. I certainly am!

Dec 23, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
Children's Rights II

In a general sense, Objectivists hold that children should be legally protected from abuse and from extremes of parental neglect. There is..

Jan 25, 2011
3 Mins
Parental Obligations

Objectivists hold that parents are obliged to care for and raise their children. While Objectivism does not accept any unchosen obligations

Sep 28, 2010
William Thomas
2 Mins
Dealing With an Anxious Time

With American forces still in Iraq and the country frequently in a high state of terrorist alert, we go about our daily lives with a

Aug 26, 2010
Richard Warshak
5 Mins
Treasure Hunting for Children's Books

While the selection criteria described in this article apply to children's books in general, the examples cited are drawn from picture books

Jan 1, 1999
Mary Heinking
12 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.