50 Years Without Gold Money: What's Next?

50 Years Without Gold Money: What's Next?

August 26, 2021
Aug 26
5 PM PT / 8 PM ET
Add to Calendar Aug 26, 2021 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET America/Los_Angeles 50 Years Without Gold Money: What's Next? Online

Calling all students and recent college graduates! Join The Atlas Society’s Senior Scholar, Richard Salsman, Ph.D., on Thursday, August 26th @ 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET for Morals & Markets. This 90-minute interactive seminar occurs on the fourth Thursday of each month and explores intersections between ethics, politics, economics, and markets. Tune in this month, when we come together to discuss “50 Years Without Gold Money: What's Next?”

In 1971 the U.S. was the sole nation responsible for maintaining the dollar on the gold standard; scores of other nations linked their currencies to the gold-based dollar (under the Bretton Woods system, begun in 1948). The post-war world had fixed exchange rates, relatively low inflation, moderate and relatively stable interest rates, minimal deficit spending, and robust economic growth. But on August 15, 1971,the U.S. government, led by Republican President Nixon, jettisoned the gold standard, then imposed wage-price controls. Why? Performance measures since1971 have been inferior. Why? What’s next?

For additional information and in preparation for the event, feel free to review the attached ABSTRACT which includes links to suggested readings.

Be sure to sign-up to join in the discussion of ideas and interpretations from an Objectivist perspective and relevant ideas from other important and influential philosophers, legal theorists, political economists, business executives, and politicians. 

Students can register for the event HERE. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining this course, have them email our student programs team HERE