February Book Club: "Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man"

February Book Club: "Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man"

February 28, 2022
Feb 28
4:30 PM
Add to Calendar Feb 28, 2022 4:30 PM America/Los_Angeles February Book Club: "Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man" Online

Calling all students and recent graduates! Join our Student Programs Consultant, Aaron Tao, and the Atlas Advocates Book Club on Monday, February 28th @ 4:30 PM / 7:30 PM ET. This month we will be reading Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man by Timothy Sandefur, who will be joining us!

In this fast-paced biography, lawyer and author Timothy Sandefur examines the life and ideas of the nation's foremost "self-made man"―from his horrific experiences in slavery and his heroic escape to his eloquent demands for equal treatment by the federal government and his later career as statesman and intellectual. Throughout it all Douglass was guided by his belief in the sanctity of the individual.

Be sure to sign up beforehand on our webinar platform, KAZM, to review discussion questions and get prepared for our breakout sessions to dive into the book in further detail.