Stephen Hicks Speaks At University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Stephen Hicks Speaks At University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

March 28, 2023
Mar 28
5:00 PM
Milwaukee, WI
Add to Calendar Mar 28, 2023 5:00 PM America/Los_Angeles Stephen Hicks Speaks At University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI

Atlas Society Senior Scholar and renowned philosopher, Dr. Stephen Hicks will speak to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Turning Point USA Chapter on March 28th at 7 PM Central on the topic:

Good Woke, Bad Woke (Our Debates Over Liberty, Equality, and Progress)

This event will be hosted on Zoom and open to the public. Those interested can join through the link here.

Contact Student Programs Manager, Abbie Berringer at: abbie@atlassociety.org if you have any questions