The Atlas Society Asks Charles Negy

The Atlas Society Asks Charles Negy

August 25, 2022
Aug 25
Aug 25
02:00 PM
03:00 PM
Add to Calendar Aug 25, 2022 02:00 PM Aug 25, 2022 03:00 PM America/Los_Angeles The Atlas Society Asks Charles Negy Online

Join us for The Atlas Society Asks Charles Negy on Thursday, August 25 @ 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET. Charles Negy is an author and tenured psychology professor from the University of Central Florida who was fired in early 2021 for speaking out against woke narratives after George Floyd’s death via a series of controversial tweets. This along with his 2020 book White Shaming: Bullying Based on Prejudice, Virtue-Signaling, and Ignorance upset “woke” graduate students at his university who called for him to be fired. Professor Negy refused to bow down to the mob or his fellow faculty and has since been reinstated at the university after a lengthy arbitration. Don’t miss this special conversation with our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, as the two discuss being “canceled” and the status of open inquiry and debate in academia today. Join the conversation to ask your questions LIVE on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn or register HERE on ZOOM.