Student Event: Morals & Markets Presents: The ESG Virus

Student Event: Morals & Markets Presents: The ESG Virus

October 25, 2022
Oct 25
5:00 PM
Add to Calendar Oct 25, 2022 5:00 PM America/Los_Angeles Student Event: Morals & Markets Presents: The ESG Virus Online

ESG is a fast-spreading policy pathogen deployed by environmentalists and other anti-capitalists to infect every aspect of life, but especially corporate and political governance. ESG prioritizes “environmental, social, and governance” goals to dilute and pollute positive forms of governance, especially the shareholder model in economics and rights-based constitutionalism in politics. The necessary antidotes to the ESG virus include rationality, justice, the profit motive, and capitalism.

For additional information and in preparation for the event, please review the ABSTRACT which includes links to recommended reading.