Zoom Event: "The Pillars of Libertarian Politics" with Richard Salsman

Zoom Event: "The Pillars of Libertarian Politics" with Richard Salsman

March 1, 2023
Mar 1
5:00 PM
Add to Calendar Mar 01, 2023 5:00 PM America/Los_Angeles Zoom Event: "The Pillars of Libertarian Politics" with Richard Salsman Online

The Students For Liberty Chapter at the University of Alaska-Anchorage has invited Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke University, Dr. Richard Salsman to host a talk on Zoom, open to all who wish to attend on Wednesday, March 1st from 8:00 - 9:00 PM EST

Dr. Salsman will discuss, "The Pillars of Libertarian Politics"and explain why the free society is the only truly humane one, how government is a necessary good but only when it’s constitutionally constrained, and why certain philosophic essentials, and no others, make liberty both possible and sustainable.

We hope that you'll join us! Don't forget to add the zoom link to your calendar with the accompanying passcode!

Zoom link: https://alaska.zoom.us/j/87894148462?pwd=WHppdHlRbzFLNjM1NmdKN2phN3VUQT09
Meeting ID: 878 9414 8462
Passcode: 197730